Halloween History
Halloween History
剥了 19 次
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1. 单选题
20 秒
<b>When is Halloween?</b>
When is Halloween?
October 13th
October 24th
October 31st
November 1th
2. 单选题
20 秒
What do people do on Halloween?
What do people do on Halloween?
put a tree covered in lights
dress up and ask for candy
watch fireworks
3. 单选题
20 秒
What do kids say when they go asking for candy?
What do kids say when they go asking for candy?
Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween!
Good evening!
4. 单选题
60 秒
What do people "Bob" for on Halloween?
What do people "Bob" for on Halloween?
red peppers
5. 单选题
20 秒
Where did Halloween originates from?
Where did Halloween originates from?
6. 单选题
20 秒
What was the first Jack-O-Latern made of?
What was the first Jack-O-Latern made of?
7. 单选题
20 秒
Halloween's origin dates back to ?ancient festival
Halloween's origin dates back to ?ancient festival
Roman festical of Halloween
Celtic festival of Samhain
Viking festival -Hollow's eve
Greek festival of Autumn
8. 单选题
20 秒
The Celts lived about 2000 years ago in the area?
The Celts lived about 2000 years ago in the area?
The UK
Northern part of France
All of the above
9. 单选题
20 秒
The Celts celerbrated&nbsp; Halloween because
The Celts celerbrated  Halloween because
The day earth is most fertile
It is the beginning of spring
It remembered the king of past
It marked the end of summer
10. 单选题
20 秒
What did&nbsp; the Celts believe?
What did  the Celts believe?
ghosts will return
Gods will bring candy to you
Gods will curse non-believers
none of the above
11. 单选题
20 秒
How long have people celerbrated Halloween?
How long have people celerbrated Halloween?
2000 years
6000 years
200 years
100 years
12. 单选题
20 秒
What's the origin belief of black cats
What's the origin belief of black cats
witch turns themself into it
black cats are dirty
it symbolized death
it symblized dark  night