US History
US History
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America's first national constitution
Emancipation Proclamation
Bill of Rights
Monroe Doctrine
Articles of Confederation
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No one branch of government has all power.
Checks and Balances
Cotton Gin
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People who believed in strong central government.
John Adams
Social Darwinism
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First 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
Articles of Confederation
Emancipation Proclamation
Bill of Rights
Checks and Balances
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He believed in strong government, business, cities
Alexander Hamilton
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
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Second President of the United States
Alexander Hamilton
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
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Land bought by Jefferson. Mississippi to Rockies
Mexican Cession
Northwest Territories
Oregon Territory
Louisiana Purchase
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War over impressment of U.S. sailors, etc.
War of 1812
Mexican American War
Civil War
American Revolution
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No new European colonies in Western Hemisphere.
Articles of Confederation
Monroe Doctrine
Missouri Compromise
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Removal of Cherokee from their homeland.
Trail of Tears
Indian Removal Act
Battle of Little Bighorn
Wounded Knee Massacre
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Machine which made cotton production faster.
Steam Engine
Bessemer Process
Cotton Gin
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Movement whose goal was to end slavery.
Temperance movement
Women's rights movement
Abolition movement
Underground railroad
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Escape routes used by slaves.
Abolition Movement
Underground Railroad
Checks and Balances
Monroe Doctrine
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Escaped slave who became leader of Abolitionists.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglass
Abraham Lincoln
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Belief that expansion west was a right from god.
Manifest Destiny
Mexican Cession
Louisiana Purchase
Califronia Gold Rush
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Territory Mexico lost after losing the war.
Oregon Territory
Northwest Territories
Mexican Cession
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Longest and most famous trail west.
Mormon Trail
Oregon Trail
Santa Fe Trail
Happy Trail
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People move to California in search of gold, 1849
California Gold Rush
Oregon Trail
Transcontinental Railroad
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President during the Civil War, 1861-1865
Ulysses S. Grant
Robert E. Lee
Abraham Lincoln
John Adams
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When a state decides to leave the Union.
Emancipation Proclamation
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Slaves in Confederate states now free.
Emancipation Proclamation
Articles of Confederation
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
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Amendment that made slavery illegal.
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Emancipation Proclamation
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Amendment that gave former slaves citizenship.
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Emancipation Proclamation
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Amendment that gave former slaves right to vote.
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Emancipation Proclamation
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Plans to rebuild South after Civil War.
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Over 300 Native Americans killed here.
Battle Gettysburg
Battle of Little Bighorn
Wounded Knee Massacre
Battle of Anteitam
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This connected the east and west coast by train.
Oregon Trail
Union Pacific
Northwest Passage
Transcontinental Railroad
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Number of free and slave states equal in 1820.
Missouri Compromise
Monroe Doctrine
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Mexican Cession
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Oil business man, one of history's richest men.
Andrew Carnegie
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
John D. Rockefeller
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Idea that rich were smarter and more fit.
Manifest Destiny
Social Darwinism
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Workers blocked movement of trains.
Great Railroad Strike of 1977
Haymarket Riots
Boston Tea Party
Wounded Knee Massacre
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An immigrant station in New York City
Wall Street
Tenement House
Harper's Ferry
Ellis Island
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Idea that immigrants had to learn American culture
Social Darwinism
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Southern laws that separated white and black ppl
Jim Crow Laws
Black Laws
15th Amendment
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One person or group is treated better or worse
Social Darwinism
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Leader of the women's rights movement.
Harriet Tubman
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Dolly Madison
Abigail Adams